How do you integrate ChatGPT into your automation workflows?

Nick Jensen
Nick Jensen

I see a tremendous opportunity in employing generative AI to elevate marketing automation experiences.

Here are some ways I'm currently utilizing it:

1. Creating Custom Code Actions:
Writing code is in my skill set, but it's undeniably time-consuming. With ChatGPT, I've streamlined the process by generating Node.js and Python scripts. This allows me to seamlessly incorporate them into my HubSpot workflow, saving both time and effort.

2. Email Sentiment Analysis:
We executed an email campaign, reaching out to a massive audience of 1 million people. Managing the influx of email replies manually was impractical. Leveraging ChatGPT, we automated the process by summarizing responses, extracting sentiments, and categorizing emails. The consolidated data was then pushed through Segment into Redshift for further management and analysis.

I'm curious – how have you harnessed the power of ChatGPT to supercharge your automation? Share your experiences!

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