Slow Down to Go Fast

Nick Jensen
Nick Jensen

I like to move fast. So fast that sometimes I skip through my pre-run stretch to get out and get moving. But moving fast can lead to skipping steps that will cause injury and put you on the sideline, not moving forward at all.It can be hard to slow down as makers and creators, but sometimes we have to, or we risk skipping the most important steps.

If we slow down and validate our idea first, we can save time, energy, and effort.When Buffer launched, they didn't have a fancy landing page or a functioning app. Instead, it was a simple page that made a simple offer to help make someone's life a little easier.After gaining interest, they tested pricing to see if people would pay. Sure enough, people continued to show interest.

In the end, Buffer validated and launched a product to paying customers in 7 weeks.Step one of your validation process is a minimum viable landing page. When creating the page, answer these questions as it relates to your customer using your product or service:What do they have now, what will they have after?

How can it help make someone's average day a little better?How do they feel now and after?What is their current status now and after?While you may be selling a product, people are buying the transformation. If you articulate that transformation, you will better connect with your potential customers and get them excited to buy.

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